Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Plots and Hinging

So this video was shot with the plan of getting it up as a Food Plot Friday...but I wanted to get it up now. The video is actually Part I of a two part video I shot this past weekend out at my primary hunting spot. It's a small tour of our property showing you a couple food plot set ups we have, where we need to thicken up and shows you first hand (in Part II) how quickly just a few hinge cuts can thicken things up, create browse and encourage or discourage deer trails.

*Disclaimer!!!! This had to all be shot on my cellphone, explained at the very beginning. I realize quality isn't the best but trust me I'm going to be filming many more trips into the woods.

Part I:

Part II: is rendering as I'm typing (takes a while to get completely done and uploaded) and will be posted as soon as completed.

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