Links & More

Here you will find links to websites of a wide variety. Some of these will be sites including forums, store fronts, reviews, webisodes, products and/or articles. As I discover more that I feel are of great value and can help all hunters out the list will continue to grow. Now of course their are thousands of sites that could qualify, however I'm going to attempt to have a list of only the sites I believe in or I am registered at myself. (I do in no way get paid for putting any of this websites down here, it is merely my goal to assist as many hunters as possible)

Websites I highly recommend:
Bill Vale is a brilliant hunter who finds success no matter how much pressure the deer he is chasing receives. I have yet to shake the hand of anyone that wouldn't benefit from reading his book and following his site. I've re-read his book multiple times, highlighted numerous things and have yet to absorb probably half the content in it.
Randy, Jim and Jake all bring expertise in deer habitat manipulation and show hunters how they themselves can  make a whitetail haven on their properties. While there check out their forum for great discussions on food plots, habitat work and anything in between.
Only mineral I will put on my ground's soil.

-Dbltree's Corner  (Dbltree's knowledge base is expansive and should be tapped by all looking to plant food plots of any kind.)

-Whitetail Stewards (great page/info on various plantings for plots!)