Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Late July Plot Visit

Okay, so I understand it's been awhile since I've posted a significantly sized post...but like many of you I've been busy scouting, planning, camera hanging/checking, tilling and now planting. The video that follows is one I shot the last weekend of July when I went out to the family property to till some plots up.

Hopefully your camera pulls are showing more promising images than ours, while we got some decent bucks (in our eyes)...I'd really like to see a stud. You know the kind that you just look at and say, "Thwaaaaack" in your head!

As of today, we've got 2 bucks on camera (Check out Cam Photos here) which may get an arrow flung at by us...hopefully this will change in the coming weeks as our cameras stay actively moving around our various properties. Food plot wise we have planted all of our various ones except two at the family property. One is going to be our main turnip/radish plot, which is the plot that has been our clover for the past 3-4 years. The second one is a plot which is only 2 years old and in the past has always had Pure Attraction in it...this year it is becoming a clover plot (mix of white, little red and some crimson as well).

If you guys get any bucks on camera which you're adding to your "Hit List" let me know and I'll get them posted here! (Remember judge them by your standards, no one else's!)

Also I made a little short intro for the video...let me know your guys' thoughts on it.

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