You pattern the bucks in your area going into the early season, however hunting pressure and the coming rut simply changed things before you could capitalize. You're left taking educated guesses during the rut hoping to get the big boy to step within range, but let's be honest he's got other things on his mind to worry about being where you want him to. Enter the late season.
Now that we're entering the time where most if not all the does are bred and bucks are beginning to think with the brain between the ears again. That brain is screaming one word very loud, "FOOD!" Find the food and the bucks won't be far away. This food source could be standing corn, rye grass fields or pretty much any other source of food that is in your area.

So the question is where's the food? I'm a big fan of small food plots or natural late season food like those pods because both are surrounded typically with better cover than a wide open field; allowing that big boy to step out while there's light to have a crack at him. The only thing left to do is be there when the deer are, which raises my next point.
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It could be as simple as the bushes that still hold leaves or pods still attached to them. ( |
We both decided that this coming week, last week of muzzleloader, if we hunt we're going to try middle of the day. Sad thing is I should have known better, 3 of the late season does I've shot in the past 5 years have all come between 9:30am and noon. But like most hunters, I've fallen into the idea that morning and evenings are when you have to hunt.
Now if the temps aren't dropping the deer may continue to move just as they always have, but be sure to pay attention to the mercury. As it plummets, deer movement will almost always shift, typically moving as the sun begins to warm things up.
So getting on the food or travel routes to food, and being willing to adjust with the weather are the keys to increasing your odds this late season to getting your hands on some antlers.
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