I know from my traffic stats on this blog that many a hunter has stopped in looking through my articles, stories and real life examples. If you find yourself returning from time to time, please choose to follow (click the obvious button to the right-à) as in the future I’m going to be having giveaways to which eligibility will be simply being a follower.
Now onto the purpose for this post, where exactly do I get the knowledge I’m sharing. Well, I’d be lying if I stated I am a whitetail expert, but I do feel I’m a step above your common hunter. The reason for this is the amount of time I’ve spent reading and absorbing information from those who are the real experts in the whitetail field. I’d like to shed some light on a few of these now: (to see a larger list of websites and or books I feel you should know or attempt to read check out the above banner right beneath the site’s title)ßwill be up by Wednesday 11/27/11*
I’ve been blessed to hear Mr. Alsheimer speak twice at a local church that holds a hunter’s seminar/banquet every year. The knowledge base that Alsheimer has, in my opinion, may simply be most expansive in the business. You’ve probably already known about him from his affiliation with Deer and Deer Hunting (an amazing resource!). They not only produce a TV show, but an online forum and publications that are as priceless as gold for hunters looking to expand their knowledge base.
Perhaps the one thing I’ve learned most from Charles Alsheimer is the moon phase, and it’s affects on the whitetail deer. To learn more about this topic a must read book on the topic is Hunting Whitetails by the Moon. Other great books by Charles include Strategies for Whitetails, Whitetail: Behavior Through the Seasons and Quality Deer Management: The Basics and Beyond. While he has many others those three I feel are at the top of the list if I were to place in a hierarchy.
If you ever get the chance to hear Charles Alsheimer in person, DO IT! This amazing man will teach you more about hunting in one hour than you’ll probably learn on my blog in a week or month! Also as good of a hunter as he is, he’s an even better man of God…a huge plus in my book.
Rick is the most recent person I’ve added to my collection of experts, but definitely not the least of them. I happened across a review for Rick’s book, The Philosophy of Big Buck Hunting, and knew I had to get my hands on a copy of it.
Rick has had amazing success hunting trophy whitetails over the years…primarily on PUBLIC GROUND! That’s right Rick’s outfitters over the years has been himself and whatever public ground or small hunting spots he could acquire within an hour’s distance of his house. The knowledge Rick has to share is some of the most insightful and easily understood information I’ve ever read. To be honest there is far too much great stuff in this book for me to go into details, simply pick up a copy any way you can and read it…you can thank me and Rick once it helps you…which it will!
Randy Vander Veen and others at sniperbowhunting.com
I recently joined sniperbowhunting.com after searching the internet for some food plot advice. After watching Randy’s introduction video I knew I had to give this site try, and let’s be honest $10 a month is worth it if we learn even a couple new things towards downing more deer. The site is amazing, each month Randy adds new videos and information that you can learn from and then transfer to your own property. The thing I love most about is Randy attempts to do a lot of his teaching through video, real application you can see and not have to read about and make assumptions or guesses at what he’s saying.
Randy will take you through the proper times to scout, make hinge cuts, plant/clear food plots and how to better hunt your property. Randy truly teaches you a better way to approach your hunting ground and your hunting tactics. Land manipulation and properly placing stands as well as food plots are something Randy has learned over the years by his own successes and failures, which he openly shares.
Coming this December and into the new year I know the site will be going through many upgrades and welcoming 3 more experts onto the “staff” to strengthen the content on the site even more! Before you second guess the decision be sure to at least consider joining this site…I only foresee the membership fee going up as the knowledge base and success rates of the members increase, which trust me will happen!
Also have Randy study your property and you'll be blown away at the time he takes to study your case and make recommendations! We're planning on doing a lot of things this coming winter and spring just because of his advice!
Also have Randy study your property and you'll be blown away at the time he takes to study your case and make recommendations! We're planning on doing a lot of things this coming winter and spring just because of his advice!
Deer & Deer Hunting (website)
Mentioned in the Charles Alsheimer bit, but this website/tv show/publication is one that shouldn’t go un-noticed by any hunter looking to learn. I can contribute a lot of my knowledge to things I’ve read or watched that Deer & Deer Hunting have put out! Just go there and learn.
There are tons of online hunting sites, this is in my opinion is one of the best. Todd Graff created something special that is for sure.

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