Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If you hear just one thing I say...

I understand this video may seem awkward to some, others may say cheesy...others yet a "waste of time." However, I felt after the experience I had a few weeks ago I wanted to share my friend's story and how it has affected me and all I hope is that it will make you think.

It's the time of year I want all my friends and fellow hunting brethren to not let this passion consume us to the degree which hinders our relationships with the more important parts of our life.

This is the one message I would choose to share if I could only share one a year for everyone.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Post and Pics

Well just uploaded a new video. In the video you will hear me rambling about a couple things which will affect not only where and how I hang cameras but also how crop rotation is something everyone needs to keep in mind and document. This doesn't mean only what you plant but the destination plots/fields the deer you hunt may be heading to and interacting with. You may find deer frequent your place more if "x" crop is planted by "insert name" farmer two properties over but become non-existent when another farmer plants say soybeans.